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Credit Application

    Credit Application

    Thank you for your interest in opening an account. Please fill out our application. If you have credit references, please upload it.

      Please choose your best fit

          Apt# / PO Box
          StatePostal Code

            First Name
            Last Name


                  Please check all that apply for invoices to be approved by your Accounts Payable.

                    Please supply email, name, tel#/ ext for Accounts Payable contact if different from person filling out credit application. If same, simply write same.

                      If you have a credit reference on file, please upload now. Continue below for some information and agreement.

                        Business Trade References

                        If you did not upload your business references, please fill out below. We must have 2 references.

                          Enter Company Name.

                            Apt# / PO Box
                            StatePostal Code

                              First Name
                              Last Name


                                    Please advise if they are a vendor or bank

                                      Enter Company Name

                                        Apt# / PO Box
                                        StatePostal Code

                                          First Name
                                          Last Name


                                                Please advise if they are a vendor or bank


                                                  1. All invoices are to be paid 21 days from the date of the invoice. 2. Claims arising from invoices must be made within seven working days. 3. By submitting this application, you authorize J&D TRANSPORTATION, INC. to make inquiries into the banking and business/trade references that you have supplied. 4. Person filling out below is authorized personell by company applying for credit. 5. Typing name below is equivalent to a signature

                                                    Online Signature approving agreement.

                                                    First Name
                                                    Last Name

                                                      Please provide your company Federal Employer Identification Number.

                                                        * SPAM Prevention (please solve the math problem below):

                                                        23 + 0 =

